The ministries of the Environment and Energy Security and of Infrastructure and Transport have sent the definitive text of the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan to the European Commission. The Pniec confirms the objectives achieved in the first proposal transmitted in June 2023, in some cases even exceeding the community targets, in particular on renewable energy. “Today our country – explains the Minister of the Environment and Energy Security, Gilbert Pichetto – equips itself with a planning tool that traces our energy and climate path with great pragmatism, overcoming unrealistic approaches of the past. It is a Plan that we have shared with the protagonists of the transition, which does not hide the steps still necessary to fill some gaps, but focuses on the great opportunities deriving from the development of all sources, without preclusions. I mention in particular the scenario for nuclear energy, both from fission in the medium term (starting from 2035) and from fusion (close to 2050), which makes us look forward to a possible future. I want to thank – concludes Pichetto – the structures of the ministry, all the departments and companies that collaborated on this precious work”. In updating the Plan, a realistic and technologically neutral approach was followed, which envisages a strong acceleration in some sectors. In addition to renewable electric sources, the focus is on: production of renewable fuels such as biomethane and hydrogen together with the use of biofuels which in the short term can already contribute to the decarbonisation of the existing car fleet, diffusion of electric cars, reduction of private mobility , capture and storage of CO2, building renovations and electrification of final consumption, in particular through a growing weight of heat pumps in the renewable thermal mix.
The area with the highest performance is that of the Fer, where it is reiterated that Italy will have to reach a power from renewable sources of 2030 Gigawatts by 131. It is expected that almost eighty (79,2) of these will come from solar, 28,1 from wind, 19,4 from hydro, 3,2 from bioenergy and 1 Gigawatt from geothermal sources (the latter share which could also increase reaching an adequate level of maturity of some project initiatives under development). In the field of energy efficiency, thanks to the measures envisaged, there has been a significant reduction in primary and final energy consumption, but to achieve the objectives, raised in consideration of the growth scenario of the gross domestic product, we will need to continue working. However, the objective relating to cumulative annual savings in final consumption through mandatory efficiency schemes has been achieved. As regards emissions and absorptions of greenhouse gases, Italy plans to exceed the "FitFor55" objective regarding industrial plants bound by the ETS regulation, reaching -66 percent compared to 2005 levels (EU objective, - 62 percent). Even in the "non-ETS" sectors (civil, transport and agriculture) there has been a substantial improvement in emission indicators and to reach the European targets that are still too challenging today, it will be necessary to invest further energy. On the energy security front, there has been a clear reduction in dependence on other countries, favored by supply diversification actions and the planning of new infrastructures and interconnections.
Regarding the dimension of the Internal Energy Market, it is expected to strengthen electricity interconnections and market coupling with other Member States, as well as develop new connections for the transport of renewable gas, strengthening Italy's role as a European energy hub and supply corridor for renewables in the Mediterranean area. Furthermore, the Pniec gives priority to national Research, Development and Innovation objectives in order to accelerate the introduction onto the market of those technologies necessary to achieve the targets defined by the Green Deal as well as strengthen the competitiveness of the national industry. Finally, the Pniec provides, for the first time, a specific section dedicated to the work of the National Platform for sustainable nuclear power, which has developed scenario hypotheses in which the energetic and economic convenience of having a share of nuclear production, in synergy and in support of renewables and other forms of low-emission energy production. According to the scenario hypotheses developed, nuclear fission, and in the long term fusion, could provide around 2050 percent of the total electricity demand by 11 - with a possible projection towards 22 percent. To develop the Plan, Mase worked in close collaboration with the other competent administrations, involving the ministries of Economy, Enterprise, University and Agriculture. We made use of the technical support of GSE, RSE for the simulation of the energy scenarios and ISPRA for the emission ones, while the Polytechnics of Turin and Milan collaborated for the research and innovation part. A new consultation in 2024, after the one already carried out in the previous year, involved 133 subjects including businesses, institutions, associations and individual citizens.
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