What is Limits,Fits and Tolerance and Their Types

Hello, friends welcome to my site Mechical today’s topic deals with metrology in this topic we will know about Limits, Fits, and Tolerance.

In which we will know in detail what is limits, fits, and tolerance and also will know the types of limits, types of fits, and types of tolerances.

Before knowing limits, fits, and tolerances, First of all, we have to know the terminology which is used in limits, fits, and tolerance, So that we can better understand limits, fits, and tolerance.

When a machine is formed by combining the different types of metal parts together and it runs continuously to give output, but due to continuous working sometimes its parts get damaged, At that time, the stability with which the damaged parts get replaced by a new one is known as interchangeability of parts.

Interchangeability of the parts depends upon the many factors such as Limits, Fits, and Tolerance given between the mating parts.

Limits, fits, and tolerance plays the very most important role while designing and manufacturing any parts of a machine or elements.

So, in this topic, we will study the factors on which Limits, Fits, and Tolerance depend and their various related aspects.

So, let’s get started about limits, fits, and tolerance.

Terminology used in Limits, Fits and Tolerance

There are the following fundamental terms which are used in Limits, fits, and tolerance
Basic size, deviation and tolerance