If you’re selling or buying a Virginia-titled vehicle privately from another individual, follow the steps outlined below to sign over the title or to title and register your new vehicle. These directions also apply if you’re donating a vehicle or receiving a vehicle as a gift.
In Section A on the front of the title, do the following:
Note: For the vehicle to qualify as a “gift”, please ensure your sale matches one of the requirements found on the back of the Purchaser’s Statement of Tax Exemption (SUT-3) . If you do not qualify for a “gift” tax exemption, please provide a proof of purchase price, such as a buyer’s order, bill of sale or the seller’s declared sale price. The bill of sale can be a handwritten statement signed by the seller and purchaser or a Vehicle Price Certification signed by the seller or purchaser.
Note: Partial refunds do not include one-time plate reservation fees, Virginia Road Tax for heavy trucks and any late fees.
You must notify your insurance company when you have sold, traded, or donated a vehicle. If you bought another vehicle, you may transfer insurance coverage to the new vehicle. Be sure to obtain liability insurance for the other vehicle before you register it with DMV and transfer your prior vehicle’s plates or purchase new plates.
Note: Avoid future problems! Insurance companies notify DMV when they cancel, add or write new coverage for a vehicle. If your insurance company cancels liability coverage on your vehicle because you no longer own it and you have not notified DMV in advance, our records will show the vehicle is registered in your name but is not insured. It is unlawful to have an uninsured registered vehicle, so DMV may suspend your driver’s license and vehicle registration privileges.